Major Projects Panel

Model: Bell Phillips Architects

Type: Framework procurement
Client: Peabody

Peabody needed to procure a consultant framework for their major schemes (£3m plus) including ten different property disciplines. Claire led this exercise with invaluable help from Peabody’s procurement Team. The aim was to keep the procurement simple and open to as many organisations as possible, i.e. not to include any restrictive or time-wasting criteria. Also important was that the development team could choose from the framework as simply as possible, without the need to tender again for each project.


Peabody announces Small Projects Panel
The future of social housing? Peabody unveils designs by 20 young architects
The future of affordable housing – in pictures
Spotlight: Peabody looks to include smaller firms

The RIBA has congratulated Peabody for its exemplary approach to procurement [which] sets the bar for other providers to follow Peabody’s lead in opening up opportunities to the full talent pool of UK architects.
RIBA 2014
Peabody should be highly congratulated on such a diverse, interesting and well balanced panel comprising as it does both excellent younger and smaller practices with those who are more established. A welcome turnaround for enlightened patronage/procurement. I am sure the full merit of this panel will be reflected by higher quality outputs. Let us hope this exemplary approach can be extended to other housing suppliers.
— Walter Menteth July 2014, Architects’ Journal

Harris House


Mint Street