Loose Threads 2019
I guarantee that you will find something to enjoy in this miscellany of Dutch details.

Rem does like his triple height threshold spaces…

The phone booth - walls have ears…

Maybe I’ve been too relaxed about it…?

Architects: please stop using EML as cladding

‘I think they’re away.’ ‘ How do you know?’

Houthaven’s ferry terminus is another bit of Dutch diagram building

Well, it’s all either silly or just a bit cheap and brutal.

One of the nicest places I sat in Amsterdam, having a quiet elderflower soda.

Why anyone would put themselves through Fake Fear is beyond me.

The best tower at Strijp-S plus its berry-laden tree.

The old conduit snaking through Strijp-R is quirky in a good way.

Just rows and rows of very decent, very nicely detailed and built suburban homes. English architects can dream.

Lovely older homes in an Arts and Crafts idiom are good neighbours to Strijp-R.

Enjoying these two ladies working hard.

The Fenix Food Factory is Rotterdam’s Borough Market. It has dressed its former concrete building informally…

…in contrast to the mega-addition for the homes for the Masters of the Universe next door.

This affordable housing project’s plan form was based on an unfolded paper clip and caused a few waves…

This dance school in Den Haag by Rem was - ahem - a little unkempt?

… in the detail - a handrail concludes in Den Haag.

This Den Haag courtyard is breathtaking, and surrounded by almshouses. The outside is somewhat stark with very few windows.

…and they want their office block back! This PoMo Den Haag salt cellar is still abandoned, despite a plan to revive it as a hotel.

Fond memories of our trade club…

…and check out that bi-fold front door!

Empire State of Mind? Now why does that seem topical?

I don’t tweet about food. Here’s the exception.

White tiles and green grout. It works.

Why is it that there is always an agent’s name on the worst buildings in town?

This city unfolds through its characterful and variegated streets…

… where this slice sits a few down from the previous one.

We’ve all had a chat about public realm. Antwerp seems to like it epic - this is their riverside fringe moonscape!

Antwerp gets full marks for its train station. Majestic.

A stained glass artwork celebrating the production of newspapers in Leiden’s warmly refurbished Cloth Hall museum.

What’s not to like about cyclists emerging through two deco beauties?

One for Jonny Anstead - a skinny Leiden street which still manages to store bikes.

Leiden’s almshouses are many and various - this little pocket park is a semi private oasis…

… where bike storage is still relevant for the older residents. Hoorah. That’ll be me.

What’s the minimum dimension for a house frontage? 3.5m centre to centre?

Heard the NYO USA in this embracing Amsterdam venue last week, having sung here (with the Philharmonia Chorus and the ECYO) in 1992. We sang Ode to Joy. Why does everything keep coming back to…